I've been working on a MicroPython firmware for Build HAT. At the moment it's just a simple adaptation of the RP2 firmware, and doesn't have a lot of features related to driving Lego components (like motors), but I've published as much detail as possible about the hardware configuration of the Build HAT. I hope that my work will be useful to anyone who speaks either Python or C and is interested in customized firmware for the Build HAT.
In the process of figuring out the Build HAT's hardware specifications, I ran into a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the motor driver IC. There is no publicly available production or technical information about this chip. I'm hoping that someone with a brave heart can make a breakthrough on this, based on my work.
The project repo is at:
Any kind of feedback or input is welcome!
I wish you all the best of luck. Thank you!
I've been working on a MicroPython firmware for Build HAT. At the moment it's just a simple adaptation of the RP2 firmware, and doesn't have a lot of features related to driving Lego components (like motors), but I've published as much detail as possible about the hardware configuration of the Build HAT. I hope that my work will be useful to anyone who speaks either Python or C and is interested in customized firmware for the Build HAT.
In the process of figuring out the Build HAT's hardware specifications, I ran into a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the motor driver IC. There is no publicly available production or technical information about this chip. I'm hoping that someone with a brave heart can make a breakthrough on this, based on my work.
The project repo is at:
Any kind of feedback or input is welcome!
I wish you all the best of luck. Thank you!
Statistics: Posted by muzkr — Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:42 pm